Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wonderful File Sharing/Web Storage utility (Dropbox)

This is slightly off-topic so please forgive me beforehand.

I discovered a wonderful free web utility called "Dropbox" a few years ago. I would like to recommend it to you as a way to have access to your files from just about any computer.

Dropbox is an online backup/storage site that provides 2GB of online storage initially. You can earn more or you can pay for more storage. The best feature of Dropbox is that it creates a virtual folder on your computer that you simply drop files into and they are immediately available on any other computer where you've signed onto.

If you're on a PC, the folder is located in your "My Documents" folder. If you're on a Mac, it's located... You know? I don't even know where it's located because I just use the folder in my Mac's Finder window on the left side! Let's just say it's amazingly easy and transparent to use. I copy files I want to have at home into my Dropbox folder at work and it's there on my Mac at home. I also have access to all of the files on my iPod Touch/iPhone when I'm online. It's a very convenient way to back up files.

You can also share files with anyone that you wish by making folders inside your Dropbox folder shareable. You can also create public photo galleries by dropping photos into a Dropbox folder!

Anyway, I've used it for a long time. It has become invaluable and invisible to me. It's just a part of my PC and Mac that I rely on every day.

I would like to recommend it to you if you have a need for online backup and file access that's incredibly easy to use. If you sign up for a free 2GB account via the link below, then we will both get an additional 250MB of storage. So you'll start off with 2.25GB. I hope you sign up and hope you enjoy using it as much as I have.

Just sign up via this link:

Here's a gallery I created of photos I took during my Summer vacation. I simply dropped this folder into the Photos folder and copied the link.


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